Sunday, November 28, 2010

Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert is, to say the least, has a powerful spirit.  After reading an article about his life, found here, my first impression was "Wow".  Ebert is a very famous movie critic.  He has gone through countless surgeries due to cancer and he lost his voice.  I cannot imagine losing my own voice but this man has such a powerful spirit.  The human spirit is a wonderful thing, and the spirit is something that makes humans especially unique.  Ebert does not look at himself any differently.  I walk down the hallways of high school and people worry about the silliest things, "OMG he didn't text me back last night!!! FML!" People don't take the time to appreciate the little things in life.  Reading about Ebert, I've learned I should be thankful for everything, and take nothing for granted.


  1. Ronak,

    This is probably one of the most appropriate things the talk about during this holiday season. But to go beyond that, we all take many things for granted. I think I could relate this to Christmas considering that it is coming up soon. I always here my friends talking about wanting this, asking their parents for that, and naging their parents for something else. But, when it comes to the holidays for me, I am just glad that my parents are there for me and I am happy for the life I have. Perhaps, if humans as a whole learned to be a little more thankful, we would not be as stressed out and worried about the little things that we find so terrible. We could focus our attention to the things in the world that really do need to be changed.

  2. Ronak I really enjoyed reading this post. I like how you stated that even though Roger Ebert can no longer talk his human spirit is still as strong as ever and that most of us make too much of our smaller problems in life. Thankfullness and being humble are two of the finest traits that people can have.

  3. I cannot agree with you more Doug. Do you think being thankful and being humble are traits that are acquired from genetics, meaning encoded in our DNA or is it something that is acquired through experience? Because some people just don't seem to have those two traits, otherwise the world would be a much better place.
